85' + Pull Throughs with FULL hookups - 20/30/50 Amp Electric - year-round water (bring a pressure regulator, our water pressure is great!)- 4" sewer.
Huge clean restrooms (sorry, no showers).
Each site has a picnic table and fire pit (firewood NOT provided so please bring your own).
View PicturesLocation
Illegal Substances
Use of any illegal substances is strictly prohibited and is reportable to local authorities.
Check In Time: 1:00 Check Out Time: 12:00
Only 2 vehicles per booked site (ATVs/UTVs/Motorcycles/ect.) not included)
There is no additional parking at the campgrounds. Please plan accordingly. ATVs/UTVs/Motorcycles/etc. are not included, however, they must be kept on the gravel area and not on the grass or any other location outside of your reserved site.
Quiet Hours
11:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Visitors and guests are welcome – please limit to reasonable numbers
One tent per site is permitted.
Campsite Maintenance
Campsites must be maintained in a clean and orderly fashion inclusive of trailer, fire rings and lawn furniture. Storage of any and all property must be maintained so as not to distract from the view of neighboring campers. Campers are responsible for any clean up and maintenance within their campsite to include; trash removal, firewood storage, litter, bottles, cans, wrappers, cigarette butts, pet waste, etc.
Fires (bring your own firewood)
Camper may not ignite any fire or burn any material which is not organic and must be contained within the fire ring or pit. Campers should exercise extreme care in handling fires to prevent the risk of fire spreading outside the fire ring or pit. All fires should be extinguished prior to camper going to bed or exiting the campground.
Camper is responsible for cleaning up after all pets. Animals should be kept on a leash- no longer than 5 feet. Any pet which causes excessive noise and or exhibits aggressive behavior will be prohibited from staying at the campground. Pets will not be kept outdoors overnight. Campers should exercise care in handling pets in such a manner that does not jeopardize the safety and enjoyment of other campers.
Deposit trash in dumpster located on the grounds (next to site #8).
Fish Remains
Fish remains shall not be disposed of at the campground, anywhere. This includes the campground receptacles.
Parents are responsible for children at all times. Please do not leave children unattended.
Firearms & Fireworks
Prohibited in the campground.
Disruptive Behavior
Any behavior that disrupts other campers will not be tolerated. Campground Reserves the Right to ask Campers to leave because of bad behavior.
Water Usage
Washing of cars and RV’s is prohibited.
We are not responsible in case of theft, nor damage caused by natural causes. All activities in the campground are done at the individual's free will and Campground owners and staff will not be responsible for injury to guests or for loss of valuables of any kind.
Please do not use more than 1 string of lights per site. Turn off lights before turning in or leaving the campground.
Sewer Connections must be covered at all times
Do Not drop debris in sewer lines.
This is private property
Management is not responsible for accidents, injury or loss from any cause. Any Infractions of these rules may result in eviction from the campground.
Bubba J’s RV Park, Inc
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone noncompliant with the Campground Policies and Rules. Please respect our facilities, report vandalism or inappropriate behavior of fellow campers to management. We also reserve the right to change the Policies & Rules at any time to protect the safety of all concerned.